My Offeringin Berlin

  • Full Body De-Armouring

    Full Body De-Armouring Session 1,5-2hrs.

    Embrace an inclusive space that welcomes all genders, sexual orientations, and identities. Within a personalised 1.5-2 hour session, we'll explore the issues that matter to you, offering tailored guidance through your physical journey. Optional inclusion of genital areas is always conducted with respect for your boundaries.

    Your session is an all-encompassing experience that features an initial consultation, post-session debrief, and time for relaxation.

    I am offering a blend of holistic De-Armouring techniques such as trigger point therapy, acupressure, energy work, and the transformative powers of breath and sound.

    Pricing (+19% Tax/ MwSt):
    - Basic Session: €180
    - Enhanced Session (Genital Inclusion, available starting from the second session): €220

  • 7-Session Full Body De-Armouring Journey

    Ideal for newcomers as well as those familiar with bodywork, this package is designed for individuals ready to commit to a deeper, more sustainable transformation. Over a course of seven tailored 2-2.5hour sessions, we'll explore your body's current needs, with the option for genital inclusion.

    These sessions are scheduled at regular weekly or be-weekly intervals to ensure ongoing impact and support. I'm also available to provide additional guidance between sessions should anything come up to support you in between.

    This InDepth Journey is designed as a DeepDive in yourself and such a great opportunity to create an sustainable impact in your life.

    Every session includes an initial consultation, specialised bodywork, post-session discussion, and a period for rest and reflection. Individual exercises at home will empower you even more during the time in between session to learn how you can be deeply connected with your body outside the session space.

    A dynamic blend of holistic de-armouring methods—such as trigger point therapy, acupressure, energy work, and breath & sound techniques—will be utilised to enrich your experience.

    Journey Pricing (+19% Tax/ MwSt):
    Complete 7-Session Experience: €1150

Questions and Answers about De-Armouring

  • De-armouring is a somatic therapy that aims to release physical and emotional tension stored in your body, often as a result of stress or trauma. It involves the use of touch and sometimes guided movement to help release this "armour". The ultimate goal is to improve your wellbeing and help you feel more in tune with your body.

  • Each session may vary slightly and is individual, but you can generally expect a combination of conversation, guided relaxation, stretching, bodywork & energy work. You'll be encouraged to share any feelings or sensations that arise during the session. The process is very much about tuning into your body and learning to release areas of tension or "armour". Each session is an invitation to listen deeply what are the body wants and needs and what part is able to release tension.

  • De-armouring shares similarities with some bodywork practices, as it involves touch and works with the body's energy. However, it's unique in its focus on releasing deeply stored physical and emotional tension, or "armour", and fostering a deep connection between mind and body.

  • Yes, it is normal and often part of the process. Emotional release can come in many forms, such as tears, laughter, anger, or a sense of relief. This can be a sign that stored tension or trauma is being released from the body.

  • Responses can vary, but many people report feeling a sense of lightness, relaxation, or emotional release immediately after a session. Some may feel tired or need time to process their experience, so i recommend to avoid scheduling demanding activities immediately afterwards.

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